Lawrence S. Ting Memorial Fund
Lawrence S. Ting Memorial Fund was established under Decision No. 5971/Q?-UBND of Hochiminh City People’s Committee dated November, 25th 2005.
The Decision defines that Lawrence S. Ting Memorial Fund is a social, non-profitable fund, which operates on the principle of self-sufficiency with the sponsorship and voluntary contributions of local and foreign individuals and organizations, offering support in health care, education and contributing to improve public infrastructure facilities in needy areas in the city.
The Fund has the legal person status, its own seal and ability to open accounts at banks or at the State Treasury of the City.
The Fund shall be subject to the management of relevant State agencies concerning its financial and professional matters.
Its office is located at 11th Floor, Lawrence S. Ting Building, 801 Nguyen Van Linh Parkway, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Hochiminh City.

Lawrence S. Ting Memorial Fund Has The Following Duties
1. To mobilize and receive legal sponsorship from local and foreign individuals and organizations in order to provide support in health care, education and projects of constructing and upgrading public facilities (rural roads and brigdes, schools, health stations, restrooms, wells, etc.) in needy areas in the city in line with the fund’s targets.
2. To manage and use the fund’s money efficiently for right purposes and people.
To report the fund’s operations and results to the Hochiminh City People’s Committee and relevant agencies persuant to regulations.